• English Meditation

English Meditation Class – Buddhist Psychology & Meditation

Drop-in Class with Gen Kelsang Palden

Every Wednesday 19:00 – 20:15

The scientific methods of Modern Kadampa Buddhism have been tested over generations and are of great benefit to everyone, whether religious or non-religious.

Enjoy teachings and meditations based on Buddhist psychology with Buddhist monk Gen Kelsang Palden every Wednesday evening. These teachings will give you deep insight into your own mind and how through changing your view you can change your world.

English Meditation Class with buddhist monk Gen Palden.

Meditation Class with buddhist monk Gen Kelsang Palden.

New Course Series in March/April:
Buddhist Life Hacks for a happy and healthy life

Learn practical wisdom and timeless tools for a happier, more peaceful life! During these nine evenings, Gen Palden will share life hacks from the Buddhist tradition that help us to think positively and develop healthy mental habits. The path to a joyful and happy life – a life we no longer need a holiday from.

Course Dates:

  • 05.03. Self acceptance – that’s where we start
  • 12.03. Wake up smiling
  • 19.03. Develop faith and overcome (self-) doubts
  • 26.03. Living authentically
  • 02.04. Finding emotional freedom
  • 09.04. Love without craving
  • 16.04. Joyful energy
  • 23.04. Living with gratitude
  • 30.04. Seeing good in us and others

What to expect?

  • two calming meditations
  • a short talk with simple and practical tips
  • (optional) some discussion after the class with like-minded people and Gen Palden

The Meditation Teacher

Picture of Gen Palden

Gen Kelsang Palden

Gen Kelsang Palden is a Buddhist monk and the Resident Teacher of Kadampa Meditation Centre Austria.

He began his studies of Kadampa Buddhism in Dresden, Germany and since then has been committed to practicing Buddha’s teachings given by his spiritual guide Venerable Geshe Kelsang Gyatso Rinpoche.

Gen Palden has been ordained since 2009 and has taught extensively in the Germany, Austria and Switzerland. He is well loved and admired because of his practical knowledge and warm presentations, authentic teachings, as well as his natural joy and sense of humour.

Registration is not mandatory, but makes it easier for us to plan: